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  • Writer's pictureDr. Dan Hillis

Reopening with an Elevated Exposure Control Program

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

With the news from Governor Dewine's office about Ohio's Reopening Plan, we are happy to open our doors and welcome you back into the office starting Friday, May 1.

We have always made yours and our staff's safety and well being a top priority. With a successful safety and infection prevention plan in place, Dr. Hillis took the time off to elevate our procedures for a more comprehensive exposure control program. He instated five new best practices to reduce the risk of disease transmission and enhance your comfort level. We have never been more confident in our safety protocol.

Above Standard PPE

Prior to COVID-19 Dr. Hillis wore additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) beyond the basic requirements for dentists. As a practice that performs urgent care, advanced dentistry, oral surgeries in addition to general dentistry, being extremely cautious when working in the mouth has always been of critical importance. During treatment Dr. Hillis wears level 3 masks, shields, head covers, gowns, latex gloves, and foot covers. We will continue to wear elevated PPE and our front desk will also wear masks for extra protection.

Facility Sterilization

Facility sterilization is an essential part of an in-office infection control program. Along with the proper sterilization of instruments and materials, each treatment and hygiene room is sterilized with hospital-grade cleaning supplies prior to receiving the next patient into the office.

Elevated Exposure Control

  • Wellness Check Call 24 hours ahead We will call you 24 hours ahead of your scheduled appointment to confirm your visit and take an over the phone assessment of your health.

  • Temperature Screening upon arrival We will take your temperature upon arrival with a head thermometer. Patients with a fever will be reappointed and recommended they contact their physician.

  • Parking Lot Waiting Room All patients will stay in their vehicle in the parking lot until called in for the appointment instead of sitting in our office waiting room.

  • Reduced Number of Patients We will be accepting less patients each day to give proper spacing between patients and give our staff adequate time to sterilize.

  • Monitoring Staff Health Daily Each day we will closely monitor the health of our staff to ensure they have no signs of a virus. Anyone that is showing signs will go home until they are well.

We look forward to seeing you in the office in the coming weeks.


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